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[Other resourceWrox.Professional.Visual.Studio.2005.Aug.2006

Description: Wrox.Professional.Visual.Studio.2005.关于.NET的经典书籍
Platform: | Size: 14791454 | Author: 赵瑜 | Hits:

[Other resourceMicrosoft.Visual.Studio.2005.Unleashed

Description: Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Unleashed is a deep dive into the Visual Studio 2005 tool. Specifically, it will provide you with solid guidance and education that will allow you to squeeze the ultimate productivity and use out of the Visual Studio 2005 development environment. This book folds in real-world development experience with detailed information about the IDE to make you more productive and ease transition from other development environments (including prior versions of Visual Studio). This book will also help you increase team collaboration and project visibility with Visual Studio Team Systems and it will give you straight, to-the-point answers to common developer questions about the IDE.
Platform: | Size: 44773820 | Author: 仇雨 | Hits:

[Other resourcevisual-studio--2005-kejiano

Description: visual studio 2005培训课件,有2-如何连接数据来源.ppt,3-Web Form网页的数据架构和数据连接技术.ppt4-使用ADO.NET的数据访问.ppt,5-调试ASP.NET应用程序.ppt等等。
Platform: | Size: 8615180 | Author: myname | Hits:


Description: Microsoft+Visual+Studio+2005中使用水晶报表+源码
Platform: | Size: 4183162 | Author: 502588001@qq.com | Hits:

[Windows CEGetVideo

Description: 本软件使用Visual Studio 2005创建,用于接受视频并显示(与wince进行视频聊天) 建议使用Visual Studio 2005,较低版本将无法找到DLL,可以将其修改成VC6工程-the software using Visual Studio 2005 to create, for receiving video and display (with weights for video chat) proposes to use Visual Studio 2005, lower versions will be unable to find DLL, it could be transformed into works VC6
Platform: | Size: 2888704 | Author: Isaac | Hits:

[Windows CEVS2005YUV

Description: 使用最新Visual Studio 2005所开发之简单POCKET PC 2003之YUV播放器,以REAYUV为基础,效能十分不错,包含完整VCPROJ专案档-use of the latest Visual Studio 2005 development than simple Pocket PC 20 YUV's 03 players to REAYUV basis of a very good performance, include a complete ad hoc stall VCPROJ
Platform: | Size: 149504 | Author: 张小胖 | Hits:


Description: 名称:扫雷游戏 开发平台:Visual Studio 2005 开发语言:C# -Name : Mine game development platform : Visual Studio 2005 programming languages : C#
Platform: | Size: 440320 | Author: tjuhy | Hits:


Description: Visual Studio 2005 几个网站控件的使用例子-Visual Studio 2005 website several examples of the use of control
Platform: | Size: 2299904 | Author: 幽灵 | Hits:


Description: 这篇文章讲的是从VC++6.0到Visual Studio 2005所需要的一些变化,包括函数名和变异选项等等,如果你刚开始接触Visual Studio 2005,这篇文章应该会有用。-This article is talking about the VC 6.0 to Visual Studio 2005 in need of some changes, including name and the variation options, and so on, if you have been in contact with Visual Studio 2005, This article should be used.
Platform: | Size: 35840 | Author: 张善琳 | Hits:


Description: 跟我一起学Visual Studio 2005:C# 2.0 语言和编译器新增功能介绍.rar-join me in school Visual Studio 2005 : C# 2.0 language and compiler new features. rar
Platform: | Size: 962560 | Author: hehe | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamesj_9901_CChess

Description: Visual studio 2005,C#开发 中国象棋网络版,具有人工智能,可采用人工下棋、电脑参谋、电脑下棋等模式参加互联网比赛。采用ClickOnce发 布到你的网站上,选择只能联机运行,可以让玩家只能上你的网站玩游戏。 共有三个项目: Game是主项目; CChessThinker是用C++写的人工智能DLL类库; Thinker是用C#写的DLL,只是简单的封装了CChessThinker,目的是让有些朋友可以直接用C#开发人工智能的DLL直 接替换 Thinker.dll,使得程序的智能程度得到提高。如果用C++等语言开发出来的人工智能类库就直接替代 CChessThinker.dll 本源代码可以自由传播,随意修改,自由增加广告。 -Visual Studio 2005, C# development of the China Chess network version, with artificial intelligence, use artificial playing chess, computer staff, computer chess model participated in the competition. Published use ClickOnce to your website, could only choose on-line operation, allows gamers only on your website to play games. A total of three items : Game is the main item; CChessThinker is written in C AI DLL class library; Thinker is written in C# DLL, but simply a CChessThinker Packaging. purpose is to allow some friends directly with C# development of artificial intelligence DLL direct replacement Thinker.dll , making procedures degree of intelligence have been raised. If the C-language development, such as the artificial intelligence library on direct replacement CChessThinker.dll
Platform: | Size: 173056 | Author: 宋雅彧 | Hits:


Description: mfc界面编程交互绘图,用Visual Studio 2005开发,并已调试通过,大家参考参考,一起学习吧。-mfc interactive mapping interface programming, using Visual Studio 2005 development, Debugging has passed, your information, learn it.
Platform: | Size: 423936 | Author: 刘莉 | Hits:


Description: Visual Studio 2005编写的计算器。简单的计算器功能。已经编译通过!-Visual Studio 2005 prepared by the calculator. Simple calculator functions. Is compiled through!
Platform: | Size: 5322752 | Author: 马超 | Hits:

[Education soft systemStudent1122

Description: Visual Studio 2005编写的学生管理系统。已经通过编译-Visual Studio 2005 prepared by the student management system. Compiler has been passed!
Platform: | Size: 7715840 | Author: 马超 | Hits:


Description: 通过使用本书,您可成为优秀的C++程序员。Microsoft公司的最新开发系统Visual Studio 2005支持两种截然不同但又紧密相关的C++语言。该系统完全支持原来的ISO/ANSI标准C++,同时还支持名为C++/CLI的新版C++。C++/CLI由Microsoft公司开发,现在是ECMA标准。这两种C++版本互为补充,各自完成不同的任务。ISO/ANSI C++用于开发在本地计算机上运行的高性能应用程序,而C++/CLI专门为.NET Framework开发。本书将讲述使用这两种C++版本开发应用程序的基础知识。 -Through the use of this book, you can become a good C++ Programmers. Microsoft
Platform: | Size: 8379392 | Author: yisan | Hits:


Description: Wrox.Professional.Visual.Studio.2005.关于.NET的经典书籍-Wrox.Professional.Visual.Studio.2005. On. NET classic books
Platform: | Size: 14791680 | Author: 赵瑜 | Hits:


Description: Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Unleashed is a deep dive into the Visual Studio 2005 tool. Specifically, it will provide you with solid guidance and education that will allow you to squeeze the ultimate productivity and use out of the Visual Studio 2005 development environment. This book folds in real-world development experience with detailed information about the IDE to make you more productive and ease transition from other development environments (including prior versions of Visual Studio). This book will also help you increase team collaboration and project visibility with Visual Studio Team Systems and it will give you straight, to-the-point answers to common developer questions about the IDE.
Platform: | Size: 44773376 | Author: 仇雨 | Hits:


Description: visual studio 2005培训课件,有2-如何连接数据来源.ppt,3-Web Form网页的数据架构和数据连接技术.ppt4-使用ADO.NET的数据访问.ppt,5-调试ASP.NET应用程序.ppt等等。-visual studio 2005 training courseware, has 2- how to connect data sources. ppt ,3-Web Form page of the data architecture and data connectivity technologies. ppt4-use ADO.NET data access. ppt, 5- debugging ASP.NET applications . ppt and so on.
Platform: | Size: 8614912 | Author: myname | Hits:


Description: visual-studio的重要PPT资料,对初学者非常有益处-visual-studio vital PPT information is very useful for beginners
Platform: | Size: 7877632 | Author: binglu | Hits:


Description: 一本介绍Office开发的Visual Studio工具VSTO-Professional Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office satisfies the need to write enterprise software based on Office by delivering practical solutions for those seeking to port existing functionality to VSTO. The book focuses on code and implementation, not theory, with code examples presented in both VB and C#. The book is especially written for enterprise developers- VBA or COM Interop savvy- who need to leverage the power and productivity of VSTO today. .NET developers seeking to explore VSTO as a potential solution will also find ample material that suits their needs.
Platform: | Size: 5276672 | Author: 高先生 | Hits:
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